After 25 years research in natural/optimal health...I am able to share my knowledge and gift of healing with great pleasure.
I am here for anyone seriously interested/ready to take NOW conscious actions
to claim their health back!
Would you like to get of your drugs ?
Here are some easy and natural solutions to ge your blood pressure perfectly aligned.
They Key's to success are of course 2 crucial steps.
Emotional health with REB to create real happiness, calm your mind and guaranty a balanced lifestyleIf you are not there yet we need to talk...and show you how to meditate anywhere at anytime to harmonize your system.

A stress fre Man ...is a happy man !
And a happy Man is a health Man !
Clean your body ( specially your arteries) and keep a health lifestyle with a high amount of rejuvenating /anti aging organic supplements and healing food items ! Natural bio available Vitamin C are the main cleanser of arterial plaques !
It helps fast and efficiently to remove blockages which disturbs a proper circulation( blood flow) !
Here a really powerful list of things I highly recommend health treasures to ad to your diet...to stay always healthy and energized.
With a couple cooking classes anyone is able to change a bit the understanding of adding much more powerful raw greens into our diet... of course we do understand that it is not always easy to get 3- 5 times daily fresh..raw and delicious greens inside our body wile working all day!

We found ....
For anyone a time and effort saving solution.
Go Green with a conscious investment in herbal capsules as a necessary addition to keep your body energized and the blood clean!
Of course also in Powder available for your healthy power smoothie :-)
Only when you prevent ...you will stay ahead of the game !
Here are 4 world best super foods /supplements (out of 10 we normally apply on our Wellness guest with pressure problems) Which you can uses to start anywhere you are to get your life/pressure back under control!
Take 3 times 2 Bear Paw Garlic capsules ...daily (mor,mid,nig)
to find online in the US only one company yet ...
nice description and good price ... of course I do not know of their quality ?
definitely worth trying... because it is only 16 US for 90 capsules...
Our price here in Jamaica for 90 kosher Vegetable capsules are 25 US ( we only deal with the finest organic quality from Europe/very high import cost on raw materials)
plus shipping cost approx 10 US
Vitamin C is the key for optimal blood pressure
take Vitacor® Plus®
The Basic Vitamin Program for Everyone!
This is the foundation of the Cellular Health™ Program and should be used alone or in combination with one of the following complementary formulas. http://www.drrathvitamins.com/
It also has already a next amazing health tresure CoQ10 inside!
If the pressure is still not perfect after 4 weeks add in the second month...(additional to Vitacor) the amazing
A dietary supplement designed to help maintain blood pressure levels and support healthy function of the artery walls.*
GSE( Grapefrut seed extract)Grapefruit seed extract is great for curing and treating multiple fungus related health issues ...and can be taken to lower high blood pressure, prevent cancer, boost the immune system, and boost energy levels.
Grapefruit seed extract helps greatly with weight loss since it provides sources of fiber. It's great for promoting cardiovascular health, lowering high cholesterol levels, lowing sugar levels, increasing the circulation of blood and oxygen flow in the body, boosting liver enzymes, and preventing kidney stones.
Grapefruit is an alkaline reactive food, when combined with other acid foods it can alkaline perfectly the pH levels in the body that help kill any diseases that are forming.
Power Greens are even better then the super food Chlorellas ... and combines with above mentioned supplements a perfect conscious success team.
Power Greens is a gentle processed effective Phyto(bioactive)/Multi Nutritious
Healing agent ,Super food & Blood Cleanser
This amazing conscious blend of herbal greens is excelent to regulate naturally and very effective your Blood pressure wile cleaning out bad cholesterol and nurturing your body & brain!
please check out this link so you can read why I highly recommend it!!:

If you are already on any form of super greens or algae supplements be aware !!!

After the Fukushima Nuclear desaster we all have to find save alternatives !
Japan was the # 1 produce of the best available Chlorellas on the world market!
NO MORE save Chlorellas..on the Marklet!
Do you really know where the products you buying was produces and stored ?
Even Califronia the Food basket from The US is radioactive poluted!
I am also very sad because I can not ever by Almonds and fruits from CA... this I call a real global Food crisis.
Japan specially is screwed because all their products are now (suppose to be) not aloud to be imported...for the next 3000 years !
CORUPTION>>>> can harm your health!
You know now all of a sudden very dangerous "black market stuffs " are being sold...all over the place for big discounted prices... to dump it on the unaware people who did not know!
Terrible that even really big health food companies /cooperation's are involved and offer those radioactive contaminated products these days!
Special sales 60 % Off !!! should be a red flag for you!
Yes crazy and very irresponsible that we can not trust anyone right now!
Make the best out of it and buy from the safest possible sources only!

I am happy that I am in the Caribbean and that we have our products ( but only in small quantities ) available.
Email us for more information : alwayshealthy33@gmail.com
or call 876 484 1165 or Florida area code 786 463 5189
More important Health tips to stay 120/80 healthy !
High blood pressure can be serious and any form of drugs/cause many side effect to worsen the overall health conditions day by day.
We are now 11 years specialist in natural High blood pressure adjustments and I became back then in Europe a Cellular Medicine Consultant(Certified by the Dr. Matthias Rath Foundation)12 years ago.
Since then I work with his amazing effective supplements .
His key ingredients are Vitamins C and power greens to clean and nurture the blood and clean the Arteries.
Of course all supplements entering through the colon ..which need to be clean at all times.
Step 1)
Keep your diet as free as possible low in carbs and sweets,
reduce drastically meat and milk product!
Avoid stress and do not work over times... too often!
Your body need rest and happy times to balance!~
Detox your Body 3 times a year specially the brain need to be clean to function and coordinate all body functions!
I really recommend a Vegetarian diet and of course happy if you start at leased one step at a time...
Set your self a goal and even a slow process to get there is better then resignation!
Eat much more Fruits ,and vegetables /Salads and steamed vegetables with sweet or Irish potatoes & pumpkins are a delicious combination.
Keep your weight always under control... as your # 1 Health insurance !

Mother nature has a great solution you need to check out in a amazing enlightening
Life changing video presentation
Avoid all SOY products,
yes Tofu is soy and can create a lot of health issues worse then Cow milk protein allergies !
I am sure you will love one day fresh made Veggie Burgers when they are done without Soy and I could bring some over for the freezer soon or I give you the recipes and you bake them and freeze them for him!
Drink proper and enough Spring Water over the day Yes there are really bad waters out there in this many different kind so easy available now adays.....and of course best promoted!
From multy million $ concerns like MR Pharma brother Nes__e)
You have no idea yet what they put into their bottled water to decrease population... so be careful who you trust.

The safest thing is water from a spring what is still unpolluted and also use a good 0.5 micron counter top Water filter will assist you greatly to be able to drink clean tea water and cook safely your food in!
Email us for more information : alwayshealthy33@gmail.com
or call 876 484 1165 or Florida area code 786 463 5189
I was diagnosed with hepatitis b 3years ago i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn't going to ever be well again i contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum ofmoney but my condition never got better i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw mr Brown post on how Dr Lusanda saved him from the VIRUS with herbal medicine i contacted Dr Lusanda on his email address drlusandaherbal@drlusandaherbal.com(www.drlusandaherbal.com) we spoke on the issue i told him all that i went through and he told me not to worry that everything will be fine again so he prepared the medicine and send it to me through courier service and told me how to use it,after 14days of usage I went to see the doctor for test ,then the result was negative,am the happiest man on earth now.pls try it's real.thanks to Dr Lusanda God bless u.